HOW can front-line leaders themselves use the skills of masterful executive coaches with their team to unlock ideas, remove resistance and diffuse escalations? WHY should you do less heavy-lifting and HOW can it create space for your direct reports to grow? IS COACH-LEADERSHIP different from pure coaching and why is that vital? HOW can being a Coach-Leader build your own confidence to lead as well as generate loyalty and make you a magnet to hire? 🎩 I am the creator of 5-star rated “Secret Sauce” LEADERS WHO COACH™ and an AMAZON #1 Best Selling Author who helps CxOs think strategically and see around corners. JOIN ME each week as I SHOW YOU you game-changing strategies, step-by-step techniques and magical questions you can use today in the toughest situations and trickiest conversations. What is coach-leadership? 🎥 https://youtu.be/IGPoswKiAfM Rulebook ▶️ https://amzn.eu/d/bm0J1BQ Courses ▶️ https://coachlead.co/ Instagram ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/sehaam.cyrene/ LinkedIn ▶️ https://www.linkedin.com/in/sehaam/ TikTok ▶️ https://www.tiktok.com/@sehaamcyrene YouTube ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/@sehaamcyrene

Sunday Jun 09, 2019
E002 Graham Oakes on joy and being an introvert
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
As a systems engineer, scientist and entrepreneur who describes himself as a deep introvert, Dr Graham Oakes FBCS, FRSA has a deep passion and fascination for working through complex problems. He really enjoys it - he says he finds it exciting. I wonder if you can pick that up from the way he talks? His voice is gentle, his choice of words is careful and his energy is constant. If you’re an extrovert, you might need to slow yourself down to match his pace of expression. And perhaps it’s his capacity for listening that tunes him into what people say and drives him to create space and time for them to get their thoughts out on the table.
Graham helps people think about challenging situations in ways that draw out the opportunities and possibilities - most recently in the energy sector. He was the founder and chief scientist at Upside Energy - a company built in response to a challenge prize run by Nesta, a global innovation foundation, in 2013. Upside has built a cloud service that uses algorithms and AI to coordinate large numbers of devices like home batteries, electric vehicles, heat pumps and back-up power supplies. The aim is to make it easier to get energy onto the grid and thereby increase the use of renewable energy.
In conversations with Graham you start to understand just how chaotic and complex the energy sector is but he’s optimistic about the opportunities new technology presents to us. As well as traditional energy users and providers, there are new stakeholders joining the grid which includes local community groups and prosumers - people who both consume and produce products, basically owners of smart energy systems like solar PV arrays, home batteries, electric vehicles, and so on. The best solutions aren’t always clear. In fact, often he finds his clients overwhelmed by the web of options.
Graham uses his conversation style - listening, slowing down, and enquiry, to help them first understand the problem they have, and second, make choices and decisions about the best way forward. And the best way forward typically involves working out how to decarbonise the energy source in response to climate change, how to make access to energy easier and fairer, and how to take advantage of digital technologies.
Given the complexity of the energy system, Graham’s work means he’s conversing with a huge range of people - government and policy makers, regulators, energy generation and supply companies, technology developers, network operators, local authorities, and property developers and facilities managers, as well as citizens like you and me, consumers, community energy groups, academics, data scientists, mathematicians, engineers, software developers, economists, financiers, and designers.
He says that a key part of what he’s trying to do is to help society develop an energy system that works better for all these people - cleaner, more equitable, cost effective, and reliable for today’s generations and generations of the future.
Graham has taken his deep knowledge and experience of the energy sector to help his clients across the UK and Europe do just that.
We talked about what makes him successful in helping clients navigate their landscapes, what a good, joyful conversation looks like, what type of dynamic he rates as counterproductive and counter-collaborative, what has shaped his thinking about conversations, and he shares a delightful story about communicating across language and cultural barriers that perhaps you can relate to if your work takes you around the world.
To learn more about Graham, check him out on LinkedIn.
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